Read through What is a Sleep Apnea Machine? additional

What is a sleep apnea machine? It is a machine that allows sleep apnea sufferers to get a better night sleep. It is otherwise known as a continuous positive airway pressure device or CPAP. The CPAP device includes a mask, tubes and a fan. It works by using air pressure to push your tongue forward and opens your throat. By doing this, it allows air to pass through your throat reducing snoring and preventing the sleeping problems caused by sleep apnea. The CPAP machine should be used every time you sleep. Although it does not cure sleep apnea, it will help you sleep better if you use it correctly.

If you think that you have sleep apnea, consult your doctor. Your doctor may send you to a sleep center for testing before suggesting you try a sleep apnea machine. You will likely try a CPAP device during the sleep study period. The sleep center will test the CPAP device on you to see which level of air pressure best suits you.

A CPAP device is not perfect. Many people experience troubles with their device at first. However, do not give up. Quite often, the problems do go away once the person gets used to wearing the device. It just takes some time to get used to it. It may help you to find a support group of like-minded people to discuss your similar problems with sleep apnea and sleep apnea machines.

The first time a person uses a sleep apnea machine or CPAP device, they may experience the feeling of their nose feeling dry and stuffy. To alleviate this problem, try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air from the CPAP device. Many people also find that the mask is uncomfortable. You may need to try different masks to find one that fits you better than others do.

Another problem people experience with a sleep apnea machine is that their nose feels blocked up. You may need a nasal spray to help with this problem. People that breathe through their mouths do not have as much success with a CPAP nose mask as a person that breathes through their nose. A full-face mask that covers both the nose and mouth may help a mouth breather.

Some sleep apnea sufferers that use a CPAP device experience skin problems caused by the mask. The mask fits firmly on your face and that can cause skin irritations. It may be wise to try a different size mask to see if that reduces the skin irritation. In addition, there are skin moisturizers that are available to CPAP device users. Ask your doctor about the special moisturizers since some can damage the mask itself.

Most of the users of the CPAP device or sleep apnea machine cannot wear it all night every night. It takes a lot of getting use to for most people. Do not give up however. Try using it for an hour a night at first just to become accustomed to it. Keep trying to increase the length of time you use it.

Sleep Apnea
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What is a Sleep Apnea Machine?