A sleep apnea alternative treatment option is favored by many people who have suffered from this condition. There are some surgical interventions that can be used to cure sleep apnea, and there are a number of medical treatments and devices that can be used as treatments. However, the alternative treatments that are available can be a less extreme means of treatment.
Behavioral and lifestyle changes can be very successful as treatment options. They are usually very easy to implement, although some, such as giving up smoking or losing excess weight can take a certain amount of effort and commitment. One very effective treatment method is to change your sleeping position. When you are lying on your side or if you are propped up by a specially designed pillow, your airway is less likely to collapse than when you are lying on your back. Other behavioral and lifestyle treatments include giving up smoking and alcohol, taking regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. The added benefits of these alternative behavioral treatments are that they can help to improve the individual's overall health.
Other alternative treatments include homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic opium and lachesis can help to treat this condition, with opium being most effective for extroverted individuals and lachesis being a good option for calmer people. Essence of vervain can also be used to help to treat sleep apnea. It is usually recommended for use in people who tend to be highly strung and emotional since its calming properties may help to improve the quality of their sleep.
Sleep apnea has been linked with low levels of serotonin, which is an important chemical that plays a number of important roles in the body. Taking supplements of serotonin or 5HTP can sometimes help. It is thought that this effect occurs because serotonin can help people to enjoy a deeper sleep, which can alleviate symptoms such as fatigue and sleepiness.
Breathing exercises may also help to treat sleep apnea by improving the strength and functioning of the airways. The breathing exercises that are practiced during yoga are one alternative treatment option that many people have found to be helpful. Some people have even suggested that learning how to play the didgeridoo can help to treat this condition since playing this instrument can help to strengthen the airway and therefore to prevent it from collapsing and causing apnea. This unusual sleep apnea alternative treatment can be very successful.
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