Go through Sleep Apnea - Chronic Sleeping Disorder a lot more

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by disruption in the breathing pattern while you are sleeping. It is a strange problem and most of the people are not even aware of it. In most cases, it is usually the sleeping partner who gets to know about the prevalence of this sleeping disorder. Victims of this complication face difficulty in taking proper breaths. It is a chronic problem which needs proper attention and if you leave it untreated, it can become a cause of worry and at times even life threatening. It is believed to cause physical as well as mental impairment.

Common Symptoms

Frequent choking episodes during night time
Morning headache
Waking up in the middle of night due to excessive sweating
Poor concentration
Loud snoring
Dry mouth
Excessive sleepiness during daytime
Low energy levels
Mood swings

According to recent studies, women suffering from asthma are at a higher risk of developing the problem . Snoring is one of the most common symptoms of it. Studies are indicative of the fact that about 22% of young women suffering from asthma are prone to snoring. It has been found that this problem is more common among older women especially those females who have passed through the phase of menopause. It is due to hormonal changes in the body that is caused by menopause.

Many a time snoring is taken for sleep apnea; however, both are entirely different set of problems. Snoring is a symptom but not a cause in itself. Snoring is simply the occurrence of a whistle kind of sound while you are sleeping is the blockade in the way of air, as a result of which you are not able to breathe properly at the time of sleeping. Snoring, as such, does not have any health impact but this disorder demands good medical care.

Different Types of Sleep Apnea

Obstructive (OSA)
Central (CSA)
Mixed (MSA)

Obstructive (OSA)

Obstructive (OSA) is one of the most commonly found sleeping disorders. It is a medical condition in which there is obstruction in breathing that is caused due to disturbance in the flow of air in the mouth and nose.

Central (CSA)

It is a rarely found sleeping disorder that occurs when the signals of brain giving instructions to the body to breathe get delayed. It is a problem of the central nervous system which is mainly caused due to injury in the brainstem. For treating this problem, there are certain medications that help a great deal in stimulating the need to breathe oxygen.

Mixed (MSA)

Mixed Sleep Apnea (MSA) is a combination of the above two mentioned types of sleep apnea. It has often been found that patients of this sleeping disorder derive benefits from treatment but only to the extent of obstruction in the flow of air. It does not completely put an end to the episode of sleeping apnea.

To conclude, if you find any of the sleep apnea symptoms, it is advisable to immediately see a doctor and seek medical advice.

Sleep Apnea

Dave Clark is an experienced article writer and has been writing articles and books for many years, he is very knowledgeable in numerous fields, Dave also works part time for Cushy Sofa a manufacturer and online retailer of Divans, Memory Foam Sofas, Memory Foam Pillows, Memory Foam Mattresses, Memory Foam Toppers, Buy your memory foam mattress [http://www.cushysofa.co.uk], direct from the manufacturer

Sleep Apnea - Chronic Sleeping Disorder

Sleep Apnea

Go through Sleep Apnea Remedy - Simple Exercises to Cure Sleep Apnea far more

Sleep Apnea Remedy - Simple Exercises to Cure Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Cures

Looking for a simple sleep apnea remedy? Your best bet is to exercise the weak muscles in your mouth and throat that are allowing the apnea to occur. By strengthening these muscles, they will remain firm, even as you sleep, and resist the forces that are drawing them into the path of your nasal and throat passages, causing the obstruction of airflow that results in apnea.

This simple sleep apnea remedy consists of a set of sample exercises that you can perform by yourself, for a few minutes a day, to help achieve this goal. Take a look at some of these sample exercises below:

Chewing Exercises - One of the best ways to combat apnea is to force yourself to breath through your nose rather than through your mouth. Therefore, if you can strengthen your jaw muscles, then your mouth will be more likely to remain closed during your sleep rather than "falling" open at night. To strengthen your jaw muscles, you need to perform a series of chewing exercises.

Tongue strengthening - The tongue itself is one of the most common villains in the battle against sleep apnea. If you can strengthen the muscles that control the movement of the tongue, then you can condition it to resist "falling" into your throat during sleep and blocking your air passageways. To strengthen your tongue, you can perform a series of exercises such as pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, or performing tongue curls.

Soft palate exercises - Even professional singers must perform exercises to strengthen their soft palate, as this affects the quality of their singing voice. In a similar manner, these same exercises can be used to strengthen the palate to cure sleep apnea.

Acupressure - According to this ancient science, which is practiced even to this day, applying pressure to various parts of the body can alleviate tension in other parts of the body. This has been known to work with the relevant parts of your mouth, tongue, throat, jaws, chest cavity, and nasal cavity as a whole.

Do these exercises sound silly to you as far as a sleep apnea remedy is concerned? But you won't be laughing when you see results!

Want to cure your sleep apnea problem permanently, once and for all?

Why haven't you tried these natural exercises [http://www.snoringexercises.info] to stop sleep apnea [http://www.snoringexercises.info] yet?

Examine Effective Sleep Apnea Exercises To Counter Sleep Apnea Symptoms much more

Sleep Apnea

There are a lot of ways to address sleep apnea symptoms. For the more severe cases of symptoms like loud and constant snoring, high number and long periods of breath interruptions, depression and extreme case of EDS or daytime sleepiness, would call for a more drastic means of intervention. This could be in the form of CPAP treatment or a surgical operation. Though sometimes costly, painful or destructive both the CPAP and sleep apnea surgery offer quick resolution to these symptoms.

For mild and moderate cases, there are sleep apnea exercises designed to ease breathing and reduce snoring. These exercise regimens aim to firm throat and tongue muscles, thus, eliminating tissue slacking during sleep that blocks the air passage. Like any exercises though, this don't give immediate results. The improvement is gradual, depending on the consistency of the exercise and the severity of the sleep apnea symptoms.

Throat exercises for sleep apnea:

• Chewing gum exercise - Pretend you're chewing a gum. Make sure that your molars are moving. Your mouth should stay closed. Begin with few minutes of chewing, and gradually increase duration. Adding "mmm" sounds to your chewing will help in opening the throat wider.

• Yawning exercise - Simulate a yawn and make sure to open your mouth as wide as you can. You can also trust your tongue as far as it goes.

• Vowel exercise - Recite the vowel sounds, fast and as clearly as your can for 3-5minutes. Start the exercise routine with soft sounds and then increase the level of your voice gradually. You can end the exercise shouting.

• Singing exercises - Just take your favorite song and sing your heart out.

• Swallowing exercises - Lightly bit your tongue, and then rapidly swallow at least five times.

Tongue exercises for sleep apnea:

• Palate push - Touch the back of your front teeth with the tip of your tongue then slowly roll it over, backwards.

• Lip route - Lick both your upper and lower lips in a continuous rotating motion. Do several clockwise rounds, and then do the same going counter clockwise.

• Tongue out - Stick out your tongue, the farthest you can. Hold it for several seconds. Pull back, breath and repeat.

• Tsk tsk sounds - Again, place the tip of your tongue just behind your front teeth. Make rapid tsk tsk sounds for at least a minute. Relax and then repeat.

• Tongue Rove - Quickly run your tongue all over the inside of your mouth. Skim over the fronts of your teeth and then both the roof and base of your mouth.

Jaw exercises for sleep apnea:

• Jaw stick - Clinch a pencil or a stick between your teeth for at least 10 minutes or as long as you can, just before going to sleep.

• Jaw swing - Position your lower jaw as far right as you can, hold for at least 30 seconds. Then swing to the right, hold again for another 30 seconds. Repeat.

There are also other sleep apnea exercise to help reduce if not eliminate sleep apnea symptoms. Yoga Nidra is a yoga regimen designed to help breathing and relaxation for better sleep. Again, results are not overnight as it takes time to strengthen muscles and firm tissues. The key to a successful exercise program is commitment and consistency.

If you want more information about sleep apnea symptoms, then make sure to check Douglas Kidder's excellent free report on the different kinds of sleep apnea exercises.

Effective Sleep Apnea Exercises To Counter Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep Apnea

Read through Sleep Apnea Alternative Treatment - Can It Work for You? more

A sleep apnea alternative treatment option is favored by many people who have suffered from this condition. There are some surgical interventions that can be used to cure sleep apnea, and there are a number of medical treatments and devices that can be used as treatments. However, the alternative treatments that are available can be a less extreme means of treatment.

Behavioral and lifestyle changes can be very successful as treatment options. They are usually very easy to implement, although some, such as giving up smoking or losing excess weight can take a certain amount of effort and commitment. One very effective treatment method is to change your sleeping position. When you are lying on your side or if you are propped up by a specially designed pillow, your airway is less likely to collapse than when you are lying on your back. Other behavioral and lifestyle treatments include giving up smoking and alcohol, taking regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. The added benefits of these alternative behavioral treatments are that they can help to improve the individual's overall health.

Other alternative treatments include homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic opium and lachesis can help to treat this condition, with opium being most effective for extroverted individuals and lachesis being a good option for calmer people. Essence of vervain can also be used to help to treat sleep apnea. It is usually recommended for use in people who tend to be highly strung and emotional since its calming properties may help to improve the quality of their sleep.

Sleep apnea has been linked with low levels of serotonin, which is an important chemical that plays a number of important roles in the body. Taking supplements of serotonin or 5HTP can sometimes help. It is thought that this effect occurs because serotonin can help people to enjoy a deeper sleep, which can alleviate symptoms such as fatigue and sleepiness.

Breathing exercises may also help to treat sleep apnea by improving the strength and functioning of the airways. The breathing exercises that are practiced during yoga are one alternative treatment option that many people have found to be helpful. Some people have even suggested that learning how to play the didgeridoo can help to treat this condition since playing this instrument can help to strengthen the airway and therefore to prevent it from collapsing and causing apnea. This unusual sleep apnea alternative treatment can be very successful.

Sleep Apnea Cures

Are you desperately searching for a sleep apnea alternative treatment [http://www.curesforsleepapneablog.com]? Then don't delay. Check out the Cures for Sleep Apnea [http://www.curesforsleepapneablog.com] blog for instant info.

Sleep Apnea Alternative Treatment - Can It Work for You?

Read through What is a Sleep Apnea Machine? additional

What is a sleep apnea machine? It is a machine that allows sleep apnea sufferers to get a better night sleep. It is otherwise known as a continuous positive airway pressure device or CPAP. The CPAP device includes a mask, tubes and a fan. It works by using air pressure to push your tongue forward and opens your throat. By doing this, it allows air to pass through your throat reducing snoring and preventing the sleeping problems caused by sleep apnea. The CPAP machine should be used every time you sleep. Although it does not cure sleep apnea, it will help you sleep better if you use it correctly.

If you think that you have sleep apnea, consult your doctor. Your doctor may send you to a sleep center for testing before suggesting you try a sleep apnea machine. You will likely try a CPAP device during the sleep study period. The sleep center will test the CPAP device on you to see which level of air pressure best suits you.

A CPAP device is not perfect. Many people experience troubles with their device at first. However, do not give up. Quite often, the problems do go away once the person gets used to wearing the device. It just takes some time to get used to it. It may help you to find a support group of like-minded people to discuss your similar problems with sleep apnea and sleep apnea machines.

The first time a person uses a sleep apnea machine or CPAP device, they may experience the feeling of their nose feeling dry and stuffy. To alleviate this problem, try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air from the CPAP device. Many people also find that the mask is uncomfortable. You may need to try different masks to find one that fits you better than others do.

Another problem people experience with a sleep apnea machine is that their nose feels blocked up. You may need a nasal spray to help with this problem. People that breathe through their mouths do not have as much success with a CPAP nose mask as a person that breathes through their nose. A full-face mask that covers both the nose and mouth may help a mouth breather.

Some sleep apnea sufferers that use a CPAP device experience skin problems caused by the mask. The mask fits firmly on your face and that can cause skin irritations. It may be wise to try a different size mask to see if that reduces the skin irritation. In addition, there are skin moisturizers that are available to CPAP device users. Ask your doctor about the special moisturizers since some can damage the mask itself.

Most of the users of the CPAP device or sleep apnea machine cannot wear it all night every night. It takes a lot of getting use to for most people. Do not give up however. Try using it for an hour a night at first just to become accustomed to it. Keep trying to increase the length of time you use it.

Sleep Apnea
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What is a Sleep Apnea Machine?

Study Tired All the Time? Sleep Apnea Symptoms and the Causes of Sleep Apnea a lot more

If you seem to be tired all the time, or find yourself waking up a lot in the middle of the night, it could be because you are showing signs of sleep apnea.

Some other symptoms can include the following:

Excessively tired during the day - falling asleep doing activities like driving, eating, and talking.
You wake up from a full nights sleep feeling completely unrefreshed over a period of a week or more
Have headaches throughout the day. Fact: Over half of people confirmed to have sleep apnea have constant headaches throughout the day.
Snore loudly. It is reported that almost all people with sleep apnea snore.
Wake up at night gasping for air or have night time choking spells.

Keep in mind that sleep apnea can be a serious condition, especially in older people. If you think you have this sleep disorder, the first thing you should do is see a doctor and have it confirmed.  If this has just been happening recently, don't freak out because your mind is probably making it seem worst that it really is.

Some people who develop sleeping problems like sleep apnea develop them because of the way the live.

For instance, it is a fact that obese people can get sleep apnea more than people at a normal weight. Alcohol can also worsen the problem because alcohol can mess with your breathing, on top of the fact that you have a breathing problem already. Another thing the doctor will recommend to you is to work out on a daily basis. I know every dreads hearing the words work out, but its got to be something you do.

Especially when you get older. It's not something you just do for awhile and stop when it gets better, its just something you do now. Exercising sucks, but it will work wonders on mostly everything in your body.

Sleep Apnea Cures
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Tired All the Time? Sleep Apnea Symptoms and the Causes of Sleep Apnea

Understand Sleep Apnea - Symptoms and Types a lot more

Sleep apnea is a disorder experienced by many people in our community. Some estimates put the figure as high as 10%. The symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, waking up often during the night, being excessively tired, being irritable, and experiencing depression during the day. The word apnea means without rest.

One of the characteristics of people with sleep apnea is that while they are sleeping they will have periods when they stop breathing, sometimes for as long as a minute. The result of this is that the blood oxygen level falls, and the subconscious mind, which is monitoring the blood oxygen level, alerts the body and so it wakes up. Some people with sleep apnea may wake up several hundred times a night, without ever realising it.

The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, usually referred to as OSA. It happens because the throat closes completely during sleep. This happens because the suction forces that come from snoring cause the persons tongue and soft palate, to be sucked into the airway and block it. When the person wakes up, the muscles in the throat and tongue contract and the person starts to breathe again.

Another type of sleep apnea is central apnea. This happens when the brain and the nervous system are not co-ordinated in telling the body when to breathe.

Mixed apnea includes elements of both obstructive and central apnea.

Sleep Apnea

Author Tony Mcglinn runs [http://www.sleepabc.com] and http://www.mypowerfulmind.com. You are free to copy and use this article if it is unchanged and includes this paragraph.

Sleep Apnea - Symptoms and Types

Sleep Apnea

Understand Sleep Apnea Masks - Why Use the Full Face Sleep Apnea Mask a lot more

Sleep Apnea Cures

If you have sleep apnea, you are probably familiar with sleep apnea masks. You are also probably aware that, although the disease itself is not fatal, it can greatly increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Currently there is no cure for sleep apnea, but the treatment is relatively benign. The only truly effective treatment for sleep apnea is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. A CPAP machine works by forcing air through a tube and mask into your lungs, effectively keeping your airway open and allowing you to breathe normally.

The main thing that people have an issue with is the mask itself. Making sure that the facial mask fits well and meets your needs will go a long way to ensuring that you will actually use your mask. Here are three reasons to consider using a full face mask:

1.    Mouth Breathing. This is the only mask that works for mouth breathers is a mask that covers your nose and mouth. If you wear a nasal mask and are a mouth breather, then you will not be breathing in pressurized air, and your air passage will collapse upon itself, just as if you weren't using a CPAP machine.

2.    Sinus or Allergy Sufferer. If you suffer from nasal blockages you might want to consider a full face mask. This allows you the ability to sleep with your mouth open, even if you do this unwittingly.

3.    Weak Jaw. If you have a weak jaw, your mouth is likely to drop open when you are sleeping. This can result in mouth breathing (see 1) or not. If you are not breathing through your mouth an open mouth is still a problem as the pressurized air will flow out of your mouth, instead of keeping your airway open.

Which of the sleep apnea masks should you use? If the three instances above are appropriate to you, then you are a good candidate for the full face mask variety of the sleep apnea mask.

Click here for more information on sleep apnea masks


Sleep Apnea Masks - Why Use the Full Face Sleep Apnea Mask

Sleep Apnea Cures